Fee Schedule : Current
Fee Schedule is currnet and up to date as of March 1, 2017.

Fees : Due upon receipt
My fees are due and payable at time of service.

I do not bill insurance companies, but will assist you in receiving reimbursement from your carrier.
Therapy session : 50 minutes
Each therapy session is 50 minutes long with a 10-minute time for parent consultation following each session.

Fees : $165.00 /hour
All fees for individual therapy are based on an hourly rate of $165.00.

Additional fees : $165.00 /hour
All fees outside of scope of agreed on service are based on an hourly rate of 165.00.

Occupational therapy screening : $125.00 /service

Home visits: $150.00 /hour + 15 minutes travel
Home visits based on an hourly rate for therapy $165.00 plus 15 minutes travel time each way.

Onsite visits: $165.00 /hour + 15 minutes travel
Participation in IEP meetings/school visits based on an hourly rate for therapy $150.00 plus 15 minutes travel time each way.

Written reports: $165.00 /hour
Billed for time accrued includes evaluations, progress reports and notes to insurance companies.

Formal Evaluations: $650.00 /hour
Testing administration, scoring, written reports and parent conference billed to the closest 15 minutes (Payment due at the conclusion of the evaluation).

Parent conference: $165.00 /hour
Billed for time accrued.

Cancelations: 100% /no-show; 50% /late cancellation
24-hour notice of cancellation is required for all appointments. Late cancellations are charged at 50 % fee. “No Shows” are charged at 100% of fee.  Please call me and leave changes or cancellations on my voice mail available 24 hours.

Authorizaion: Parent signature
Parent signature is required.